Career awareness is making the students understand the types of jobs available and what it takes to be successful in a given field.

Remember when you were a child, with all of the future laid out before you? What did you want to be? Maybe it was something lofty like an astronaut or a rocket scientist. Perhaps you were considering the teaching profession, nursing, or entering the military.

Whatever it was, you had some idea of what you wanted to be when you grew up, but possibly not a full understanding of what it would take to get you there. Or, it could be that you’re just exploring the different career options available to you, and hoping for a better grasp of the duties and responsibilities that a particular career brings. You need a career awareness primer to help you develop a complete understanding of your options and paths leading to a happy and successful career.

Career awareness is simply an understanding of the various possibilities for long-term employment and the knowledge necessary to begin work in a career field and progress in that job. While you may be able to name a dozen or more possible career paths for yourself or a friend, there are thousands of jobs available to a willing workforce.

The great thing about attending the career awareness program conducted by our Learn to Lead  is that you are introduced to a variety of exciting career options in various industries that may be of interest to you, where you can excel and progress into a lifelong and rewarding job.